Clean Up Your Daily Routine

by McKenna Ruzga

New seasons are always a good time to pause and reflect on our goals and values - and how our daily schedules align with them. And now more than ever, most of us are feeling pretty disconnected from our typical routines. The work, school, and activities that usually dominate our calendars have all been shaken up in a big way, and while we're all trying to navigate the changes, it's also a good chance to reconsider how we spend our days.

If you've been feeling stir crazy and untethered from "normal" life, adding some routines back into your days - and getting rid of routines and habits that no longer serve you - can help you avoid that "It's 4pm, I'm still in the clothes I slept in, and I have no idea what I did all day" feeling. Here are a few of our favorite habits and rituals. No need to use them all - just think of them as a starting point to refresh your daily routine.

  1. COLD SHOWER. Start with 30 seconds at the end of your shower and work your way up. It comes with a whole list of benefits.
  2. GET SOME SUNLIGHT. It boosts Vitamin D, which activates genes that regulate the immune system and release serotonin and dopamine. Even if you can't get outside, open the curtains - exposure to natural light helps regulate mood and sleep cycles.
  3. MOVE. Take a walk, hop on a bike, do a quick yoga flow, or get in a full home workout (there are tons of free options online right now). Not only is it beneficial for your body, it's also great for creativity, metabolism, cognition, and a mental pick-me-up.
  4. MAKE THE BED. Sure, it'll make your space feel more calm and tidy, but more than that, it's a reminder that small accomplishments create momentum.
  5. SCHEDULE THINKING TIME. We're used to frequent distraction and interruption, but many of the greatest leaders and innovators in history -  Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey, even Harry Truman and Friedrich Nietzsche - have made intentional space for solitude. In a daily routine, this might look like meditation, prayer, taking a long walk or drive without music or podcasts, or even just doing household tasks without other distractions.
  6. WRITE YOUR TOP 3. Forget the never-ending to-do list. If you could only cross off three things today, what would they be? (And if they're just to put on real pants, drink water when you wake up, and spend quality time with the kids, that counts.)
  7. DIAL IN YOUR SKINCARE. It's an easy way to take care of yourself and it doesn't have to be complicated. Don't know where to start? Try adding in SUPER FACE MOISTURIZER or the MORNING + NIGHT duo.
  8. CREATE A SHUT DOWN RITUAL. Help your brain separate work and life by implementing a specific routine into the end of your work day. Maybe you write down the next day's to-do list, tidy the office and shut the door, take a walk around the block, call a friend, put your phone on airplane mode and put it in a drawer, or whatever signals to your brain that work mode is off.
  9. STRETCH. There's nothing better when you first wake up or after a long day of staring down at a screen. Bonus points for foam rolling.
  10. KEEP WEEKENDS. All the days blending together right now? If possible, try to avoid working on weekends and make a few weekend traditions. Friday movie night, Saturday pancakes, a social media break on Sundays, anything that helps weekends feel like weekends.

Looking for more routines to add into the mix? Check out these morning routines from Ret TaylorKyle Bardouche, Jack Archer, Michael Chernow, and Sam Larson.